Enjoy your fishing to the full with Bay Malton Angling Club

League Table

The league table can be found here

Other Information

Pairs Competition - Rounds 7 - 12 only

This table displays the Pair Competition Results

Weights by Angler

This table only impacts upon the league when two anglers cannot be separated on points. The table analyses how much has been caught each week by each competing angler

Weights by Peg - Specimen Lake

This table analyses the weights being caught each week by peg

Weights by Peg - Match Lake

This table analyses the weights being caught each week by peg

League Table

The league table can be found here

Other Information

Pairs Competition - Rounds 7 - 12 only

This table displays the Pair Competition Results

Weights by Angler

This table only impacts upon the league when two anglers cannot be separated on points. The table analyses how much has been caught each week by each competing angler

Weights by Peg - Specimen Lake

This table analyses the weights being caught each week by peg

Weights by Peg - Match Lake

This table analyses the weights being caught each week by peg

League Table

The league table can be found here

Other Information

Pairs Competition - Rounds 7 - 12 only

This table displays the Pair Competition Results

Weights by Angler

This table only impacts upon the league when two anglers cannot be separated on points. The table analyses how much has been caught each week by each competing angler

Weights by Peg - Specimen Lake

This table analyses the weights being caught each week by peg

Weights by Peg - Match Lake

This table analyses the weights being caught each week by peg

League Table

The league table can be found here

Other Information

Pairs Competition - Rounds 7 - 12 only

This table displays the Pair Competition Results

Weights by Angler

This table only impacts upon the league when two anglers cannot be separated on points. The table analyses how much has been caught each week by each competing angler

Weights by Peg - Specimen Lake

This table analyses the weights being caught each week by peg

Weights by Peg - Match Lake

This table analyses the weights being caught each week by peg

League Table

The league table can be found here

Other Information

Pairs Competition - Rounds 7 - 12 only

This table displays the Pair Competition Results

Weights by Angler

This table only impacts upon the league when two anglers cannot be separated on points. The table analyses how much has been caught each week by each competing angler

Weights by Peg - Specimen Lake

This table analyses the weights being caught each week by peg

Weights by Peg - Match Lake

This table analyses the weights being caught each week by peg

League Table

The league table can be found here

Other Information

Pairs Competition - Rounds 7 - 12 only

This table displays the Pair Competition Results

Weights by Angler

This table only impacts upon the league when two anglers cannot be separated on points. The table analyses how much has been caught each week by each competing angler

Weights by Peg - Specimen Lake

This table analyses the weights being caught each week by peg

Weights by Peg - Match Lake

This table analyses the weights being caught each week by peg

League Table

The league table can be found here

Other Information

Pairs Competition - Rounds 7 - 12 only

This table displays the Pair Competition Results

Weights by Angler

This table only impacts upon the league when two anglers cannot be separated on points. The table analyses how much has been caught each week by each competing angler

Weights by Peg - Specimen Lake

This table analyses the weights being caught each week by peg

Weights by Peg - Match Lake

This table analyses the weights being caught each week by peg

League Table

The league table can be found here

Other Information

Pairs Competition - Rounds 7 - 12 only

This table displays the Pair Competition Results

Weights by Angler

This table only impacts upon the league when two anglers cannot be separated on points. The table analyses how much has been caught each week by each competing angler

Weights by Peg - Specimen Lake

This table analyses the weights being caught each week by peg

Weights by Peg - Match Lake

This table analyses the weights being caught each week by peg

League Table

The league table can be found here

Other Information

Pairs Competition - Rounds 7 - 12 only

This table displays the Pair Competition Results

Weights by Angler

This table only impacts upon the league when two anglers cannot be separated on points. The table analyses how much has been caught each week by each competing angler

Weights by Peg - Specimen Lake

This table analyses the weights being caught each week by peg

Weights by Peg - Match Lake

This table analyses the weights being caught each week by peg